Saturday, December 26, 2009

Women don't ask men out so what do they do to ';get a man';? besides applying make-up.?

really? yopou must surrond yourself with the wrong women...i dont wear make-up...and i will approach a guy and ask him a beautiful girl inside and out so i guess it has to do wiyth confidence...the confidence to show your natural beauty and not shroud it in make up, and to have the courage to step out of traditional roles and seek out what you find.Women don't ask men out so what do they do to ';get a man';? besides applying make-up.?
Um, actually women ask men out all the time, or at least make the first gesture of interest. I have a wonderful long-term boyfriend but I didn't ';get him';, we fell in love. Applying make-up? I could make a lewd joke about how he likes things as natural as possible, but kids view this site. I think your ideas need a little updating. I feel insulted when people think women are passive and want to be treated like sex objects.Women don't ask men out so what do they do to ';get a man';? besides applying make-up.?
For me, I'd get a man that loves me for me not my looks because stupid guys count on looks.

Here is what a girl would do:


2.Look pretty

3.Act nervous around the boy
they will wear short shorts, tanning, push-up bras, awesome perfume, get their hair did, manicure/pedicure, high heels, aerobic workouts
They don't do anything. It just happens somehow.
.. and what do men do aprat from pretend they are taller than they are and the same goes for their private parts.
We don't have to do anything...thanks to mother nature.
flirt, make eye contact.

the smart women dont try to get a man-the good ones will come to them.
Uhh we flirt...

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